Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sketchbook Cover

It might be that Fiber "Arts and Crafts" Almost Every Day may be a better title for this blog.

I started a sketchbook for the year and made a patchwork cover for it in hopes of experimenting with some stitches, etc. directly onto the cover of this book. The inside cover panel are both possibly shirt fabric scraps from my Grandma. One has staining on it - but the resulting color and pattern is so nice. The inside panel colors are so soothing - the outside is a little nuts. It looks very unfinished - but I have a whole book of stitches I want to try.

First entry in the sketchbook includes dimensions and details to make the sketchbook cover. This was pretty straightforward - but I am trying to be better at saving a pattern for things I cut and sew from scratch so I can make another if I want to.


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